Let the 2022 Season of Hearts 4 Haiti Begin!
Welcome! I am SO EXCITED to be starting up Eliza's Hearts 4 Haiti again this year. I am currently a full-time student at the University of Utah studying communications with an emphasis in public relations, in hopes of continuing on in humanitarian work in the future. This year, I am working with my peers at the university to try and create the biggest positive impact we can to help those in Haiti. I have had the unique opportunity to partner with doTERRA Healing Hands match program. Through it, they will double the money we are able to raise these next couple of months. My goals are to spread the word and with the amazing support and donations offered, present a Haiti Jar with enough money in it to impact the lives of many Haitians. Thank you for joining me on this journey. Check back here, or follow us on Instagram in order to receive updates and follow along through our 2022 season of service.
❤/ Eliza
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